South epistemologias and Latin America experiences: a differentiated meaning for property or other forms of appropriation?


  • Camila Ragonezi Martins FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas
  • Fernando Antônio de Carvalho Dantas Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Marcela Iossi Nogueira FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas


alternativs, south epistemologies, constitutionalism Latin American, decolonial thought, indigenous people


The European colonial movement imposed and administered a hegemonic model of world that marked all the modernity, a model that does not give alternatives and that perpetuates discrimination. This study entails demonstrating the historical occurrence of the colonial movement, and present the current epistemologies alternative conquered from the South, the spin-colonial, democracy and the new constitutional movement born in Latin America. Indeed, this transformer nascent constitutional movement in Latin America has emerged as a result of new constituent processes that positivaram principles, values and rights that represent a counterpoint to the constitutional Eurocentric model imposed on Latin America, which proved far from the specific social needs of the continent. In this perspective, wins highlighted the need to reflect on the construction of the idea of nature in the modern and colonial thought and how the notion of colonialism still survives in Latin American nations process, affecting its culture in ways that produce knowledge and how they are determined. The study also aims to examine the way in which the Latin American political Letters they conducted culture of living well, inaugurating the ecocentric constitutionalism aimed at integrating man to nature, breaking with the anthropocentric feature which was based on modern constitutionalism and the dominant pattern of development. Finally, give yourself will focus on the meaning of land ownership proposed by the movement, analyzing the right to ownership of land under a decolonial epistemological perspective, born of the claims and struggles of people who traditionally occupy.


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Author Biographies

Camila Ragonezi Martins, FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas

Mestre em Direito Agrário pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Professora de Metodologia, Direito Administrativo, Agrário e Ambiental na FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas.

Fernando Antônio de Carvalho Dantas, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Doutor e Mestre em Direito das Relações Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Professor titular de Teoria de Direito da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Agrário da Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Marcela Iossi Nogueira, FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas

Mestre em Direito Agrário pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Coordenadora do Curso de Direito da FacMais – Faculdade de Inhumas


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How to Cite

Martins, Camila Ragonezi, Fernando Antônio de Carvalho Dantas, and Marcela Iossi Nogueira. 2023. “South Epistemologias and Latin America Experiences: A Differentiated Meaning for Property or Other Forms of Appropriation?”. Abya-Yala: Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas 1 (1):109-22.

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