Sepernt at dawn




A new translation of the D. H. Lawrence’s
poem “Serpent”, citated by Jacques Derrida in
his seminars of 2001-2002, published in Portuguese
with the title A besta e o soberano (Seminário I). The
translation and the comments are alternatives to the
published version.


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Author Biography

Flávio Kothe

Graduated in Portuguese, English, Language and Literature from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1968), studied Politics in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1968), studied Law and Political Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1966-68), completed a master's degree in Literary Theory - Freie Universitat Berlin (1972), which was recognized as a master's degree in Literature (Literary Theory and Comparative Literature) by the University of São Paulo (1969) and completed a doctorate in Literature (Literary Theory and Comparative Literature) from the University of São Paulo (1975). He is a professor at PUCCAMP. He did postdoctoral studies at the universities of Yale, Heidelberg, Berlin, Konstanz, Bonn, Frankfurt. He is currently a full professor of Aesthetics at the University of Brasília. He has worked mainly in literary theory, comparative literature, translation, trivial narrative, Brazilian canon, but today he dedicates himself mainly to questions of aesthetics, philosophy of art, comparative art, semiotics of culture


2022-11-28 — Updated on 2023-09-14


How to Cite

Kothe, F. (2023). Sepernt at dawn. Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 12(2). (Original work published November 28, 2022)