Gunther Kress, Science and multimodality: from the sea to the hinterland and from the hinterland to the sea

do mar ao sertão e do sertão ao mar


  • Maria Medianeira Souza UFPE
  • Roberto Santos UERN
  • Wellington Vieira Mendes UERN



Social semiotics, Multimodality, Political cartoons, Negationism


This article addresses some theoretical assumptions developed by Gunther Kress and collaborators, namely, Social Semiotics (HODGE; KRESS, 1988), the pedagogy of multiliteracies (CAZDEN; KRESS et. al., 1996) and the grammar of visual design (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 1996/2006), and highlights the influence of his work for the studies on multimodality that emerged in the Brazilian Northeast between 2005 and 2011, in the coastal and backcountry contexts. The discussions are extended with the interpretation of multimodal meanings constructed in political cartoons by Laerte, published between March and September 2020, which deal with the theme of scientific negationism present in the current political debate in Brazil. The analyzes show the semiotic and argumentative strength of the visual resources that contribute to the construction of the humor and social criticism intended in those texts.



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Author Biography

Maria Medianeira Souza, UFPE




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How to Cite

Souza, M. M., Santos, R., & Mendes, W. V. M. (2021). Gunther Kress, Science and multimodality: from the sea to the hinterland and from the hinterland to the sea: do mar ao sertão e do sertão ao mar. Papers of Language and Society, 22(1), 342–364.



Dossiê Estudos em Semiótica Social na América Latina