

Meaningful Learning. Inquiry-based Teaching. Electrochemistry.


The work presented is the result of the application of a class plan adopting the investigative methodology and having as theoretical reference the Meaningful Learning on the Electrochemistry theme, having as main focus "batteries and batteries". For this, a problem question was elaborated, from which the students should engage in the solution by reflecting, analyzing, manipulating the objects, working the variables, interpreting, elaborating and testing the data and hypotheses, in order to reach the final result. The teacher's role in this activity was to mediate the entire investigative process, interfering minimally. Students' prior knowledge was surveyed to certify the existence of subsumers and reinforce concepts indispensable to the student to participate in the application of the investigative activity. The concepts were organized in a hierarchical and gradual way to induce learners to obtain new knowledge from knowledge existing in their cognitive structure. Thirty high school students from the "School Estadual Monte Alegre de Minas" located in the city of Monte Alegre in the state of Minas Gerais participated in this investigative activity. Focused on obtaining better quality in teaching and better learning results, the activity was applied following the Hybrid teaching model stipulated by the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, that is, the activities were carried out in person and remotely, alternately.


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Author Biography

Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho, Universidade de Brasília


  • Formação: Dr. em Física, Mestre em Física, Mestre em Filosofia, Bacharel em Física, Matemática, Ciências da Computação e Filosofia.
  • Interesses: História da Física, Filosofia da Física, Ensino de física, Fundamentos de Mecânica Quântica.
  • Atuação Profissional: Professor Associado do Instituto de Física da Universidade de Brasília - UnB
  • Membro efetivo do Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física (MNPEF), Pólo 01
  • Coordenador de Licenciatura em Física - Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília - Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB)


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Rezende, M. A., Silva Filho, O. L. da, Ferreira, M., & Silva da Silva, A. L. (2022). INQUIRY-BASED APPROACH ABOUT BATTERIES. Physicae Organum, 8(1), 77–98. Retrieved from



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