Technique is fármacon: Creates, individualizes, de-individualizes and proletarizes the individual Bernard Stiegler vision.


  • Sergio Osorio García Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Álvaro Castillo Muños Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Bioethics, individuation, hypomnesis anamnesis, gramatization, pharmakon.


Based on the w ork of the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, this article seeks to generate a reflection on the role of bioethics regarding man’s relationship with the art and the loss of individuation it brings to modern man. It is well known that the approach of bioethics has been mainly addressed to biomedical problems and environmental problems generated by the technique and has neglected the role of technique as constitutive of man. Stiegler is a key thinker of enormous importance for his novel insight into how technical co-constitutes man. For this author, the technique, the prosthesis, involves the man. More over, the time is set technically, so states that “technique, far from being just in time, constitutes the time it self” (Stiegler,2002a,p.49).


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Author Biographies

Sergio Osorio García, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Facultad de Educación y Humanidades.

 Bogotá, Colombia.

Álvaro Castillo Muños, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Facultad de Educación y Humanidades,

Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Osorio García, S., & Castillo Muños, Álvaro. (2018). Technique is fármacon: Creates, individualizes, de-individualizes and proletarizes the individual Bernard Stiegler vision. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 14, 1–20.



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