Call Dossier Number 05 | Volume nº 03 | Number 01


Several violence prevention programs are aimed at youth, as if there was a clear and constant link between these two terms. Public politics bring the idea that actions related to sports, artistic education and work could be some kind of violence prevention programs, mainly when directed at poor, black, indigenous and peripheral regions young people. If these actions exist, what would be the reason for the continuation of conflicts, incarceration and deaths involving young people in our region? It is worth remembering what Alessandro Baratta said about public security policies: this are designed by white men and for white men. He defined democracy as “the public management of needs by the carriers themselves” and, in this sense they are not really giving voice and strengthening young people in the exercise of their rights.

These statements are the purpose of this dossier. We intend to bring studies by scholars on the subject, identifying convergences or even diversity of programs, as well as the results of policies implemented in Latin American countries, capable of pointing out paths in the difficult task of reducing victimization and criminalization of our young people.

We are interested in papers that present research associating the major theme of the dossier with the following points:

  • Artistic manifestations and sports activities;
  • Criminal responsibility and other possibilities for conflict restoration;
  • Incivilities in the public spaces;
  • Conflicts and violence in the school environment
  • Sexuality and sexual dignity;
  • Masculinities and gender violence;
  • Access to education, career prospects and employment opportunities;
  • Control of lethality and imprisonment;
  • Community prevention initiatives;
  • Ethnic-racial identity and diversity;
  • The phenomenon of Latin American youth (pandillas or maras);
  • Bullying, social networks and technology;
  • Violence by organized crime and security forces against marginalized youth;
  • Violence against young people
  • Structural, institutional or direct violence against young people in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability or who belong to ethnic minorities, or sexual preference.