Human Resources Management of Temporary Agency Workers


  • Maria José Chambel Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa


Social exchange theory, Temporary workers, Human resource management, Psychological contract, Affective commitment, Well-being at work


This study analyzed the extent to which the Social Exchange Theory can be used to explain the answers of
temporary agency workers’ (TAW). We applied a questionnaire to a sample of 953 TAW and used Structural Equation Models
(SEM) to analyze the results. We verified that the system of human resource management related positively with workers’
affective commitment (β = 0,58; p < 0,01) and engagement (β = 0,24; p < 0,01), explained 40% e 30% of these variables
respectively. The psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relationship between this system and TAW’ positive
answers. One important implication of this study is that it confirms that investment with TAW has a return, i.e. positive workers
outcome, which is important to organizational efficacy.


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How to Cite

Chambel, M. J. (2015). Human Resources Management of Temporary Agency Workers. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 31(2), 269–278. Retrieved from

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