Coping Strategies of Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Treatment


  • Wanderley de Paula Júnior Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Daniela Sacramento Zanini Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás


Cancer, Radiotherapy, Coping


This study analyzes stress, coping strategies, resilience and subjective well-being of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Sixty subjects, between 26 to 82 years old (20 man and 40 woman), answered the Subjective Well-Being Scale, the Resilience and the Stress Symptoms Inventory and the Coping Response Inventory ”“ Adult Form (CRI-A). The results showed that the use of approach coping strategies is associated with a higher level of resilience and with positive affect, while using avoidant coping strategies can lead to an increased perception of negative affect and to a lower report of positive affect. The results of this study suggest that coping strategies are related to resilience factors and can interfere with the subjective well-being of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment.


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How to Cite

de Paula Júnior, W., & Sacramento Zanini, D. (2011). Coping Strategies of Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Treatment. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(4), 491–497. Retrieved from

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