ACT Parenting Program: A pilot study with observational measures of parent-child interaction




Parent training, Program evaluation, Violence prevention, Parent-child interaction


Considering the lack of studies involving primary prevention of child abuse, this pilot study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the ACT Parenting Program, a universal violence prevention program, through observational measures of parent-child interactions and parental self-report. The study included 10 parents, randomly assigned to wait-list control group (CG) and experimental group (EG), with pre-test/post-test/follow-up measures. The observation sessions were conducted in a lab-house with one-way mirror and filming equipment. Comparing the groups, the EG had a significant increase in self-reported problem-solving skills after program completion. However, no differences were found among observational measures. Further studies are required to attest the effectiveness of the program with behavioral measures.


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How to Cite

Pontes, L. B., & Brino, R. de F. (2022). ACT Parenting Program: A pilot study with observational measures of parent-child interaction. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38.



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