
  • Denise Silva Macedo




Globalization. Neoliberalism. Presidential speech. Speeches of resistance.


The main goal of this article is to analyze, from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), a nodal discourse pronounced in a scenario of globalization and neoliberal advancement in Brazil. This is the inaugural speech of the former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, on the occasion of her re-election in 2014. Her motto was "Educator Country" and, as a focus, the relationship between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. From the perspective of the CDA, this discourse suggests the presidential alignment with the neoliberalism of the central markets when dealing with issues such as education and logistics, but also indicates a vision of empowerment of these five countries, aiming at rebalancing the forces of global blocks. This aspect of resistance represents the positive face of power dialogues among social agents. Of course, it is not possible to present all the details and the various perspectives of reflection of a nodal discourse. Therefore, there is an emphasis on the context of the production and circulation of this discourse, on the movements of argumentation according to the principles of the Brazilian rhetoric matrix and on the marks of alignment and resistance to the neoliberal advance in Brazil in the light of characteristic concepts of the discourses of contemporary societies and of CDA analysis categories.


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How to Cite

Macedo, D. S. (2018). DISCURSO PRESIDENCIAL: ENTRE HEGEMONIAS E RESISTÊNCIAS. Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 3(3), 25–50. https://doi.org/10.26512/discursos.v3i3.2018/20818


