
  • Marília Luíza Peluso UnB - Universidade de Brasília - Departamento de Geografia Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, 70910-900, Brasília, DF, Brasil.


Modernist architecture, real estate market, electoral process, public areas, social representations


The construction of the Capital city of the Republic is established on a past born from three historical moments which are articulated to produce the modern forms of Brasilia: the first one corresponds to the emergency of the modernista architecture; the second is anchored on the mythical use of such architecture to represent the progress of the country and, a third one, on the confrontation between the modernization and the national reality. Social practices from these three moments have materialized the urban structure, in which the preservation of the model space of the Plano Piloto implied in the urban polinucleous in order to face the demographic growth, the inhabitant demands and the real estate market. The electoral process has incorporated the practice of the social agents, what has made the preservation of the territory difficult. As a result, in what would be the fourth moment, mixing the old and the new as well as pointing to the future, the public areas are being divided into parcels and invaded, putting at risk the cultural patrimony of the urban center, the Plano Piloto, and the environmental patrimony of the constituted set entitled the Federal District. Keeping this in mind, the mythical city finds contradiction with the administrative city of the real life and to make them compatible there is an implication of appropriate and original planning solutions.


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How to Cite

Peluso, M. L. (2022). BRASÍLIA: FROM MYTH TO PLAN, FROM DREAM CITY TO ADMINISTRATIVE CITY. Space and Geography Journal, 6(2), 1–29. Retrieved from


