
  • Nelma Baldin Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille
  • Amanda Carolina de Mello Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille
  • José Cavalheiro Neto Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille
  • Joelias dos Santos Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille
  • Lidio Schiochet Junior Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille
  • Sabrina De Pin Mestrado em Saúde e Meio Ambiente da Univille


Environmental Education, Historic And Cultural Patrimony, Social Representations


Action of research in evidence here, applied in qualitative and ethnographic approach, were based on Environmental Education, in Environmental History and in questions of Historic, Cultural and Environmental Patrimony. The search was executed in two geographically distinct regions, both, urbanized regions and located in area of watershed – Rio Piraí (neighborhood Vila Nova) and Rio do Braço (District of Pirabeiraba) – Joinville (SC). The objective was promote a study involving children from these locates, in order to make them active in dealing with the environment around them, in respect to the actions of Environmental Education and considering their social representations about the concepts of historic, cultural and environmental patrimony. It was worked in six schools of basic education of the city in the studied neighborhood, three in each of the localities. To the children, a questionnaire was applied in the beginning and in the end of the activities of the search, to a comparative analysis about the understanding of the worked questions. Lectures were realized with images about the treated subjects and, to intensification of the study, games were applied (playful and pedagogical), called “environmental games” and “patrimonial games”. Children manifestation shows the positive research results. The highlight of these results was the installation of a composter in schools, with participation of children and teachers, by suggestion of schools and as result of the applied games.


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How to Cite

Baldin, N. ., de Mello, A. C. ., Cavalheiro Neto, J. ., dos Santos, J. ., Schiochet Junior, . L. ., & De Pin, S. . (2022). SENSIBILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: WORKING WITH THE REPRESENTATION OF THE HISTORICAL PATRIMONY, SOCIOCULTURAL, AND ENVIRONMENTAL. Space and Geography Journal, 18(1), 217–249. Retrieved from


