


Philosophy of Religion. Political Philosophy. Liberty. Martin Luther.


This essay is intended to indicate a brief historic-philosophical passage of the Medieval in a way to identify possible contributions of certain questionings of the ecclesiastic authority and of the fundaments of the liberty of the Christian individual for the outcome of modern ideas under the perspective of the individual upon the assertion of the Christian autonomy vis-à-vis the civil and even ecclesiastic authority, as attributed to Luther. Nevertheless, as it can be identified, the fundaments of the individual liberty vis-à-vis the religious tyranny shall be followed with precautions. In effect, it is pointed out how these reflections over the primordial of the laicity of the state, certainly more complex, can encounter in the transformation of the natures of power and in the threshold between philosophy and theology, as presented by Chatelêt, upon the political writings of the Augustinian monk Martin Luther.


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Author Biography

Mathias Alberto Möller, Universidade de Brasília

Graduando em Filosofia pela Universidade de Brasília.



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How to Cite

Möller, M. A. (2014). ESSAY ON THE FREEDOM OF THE SECOND LUTHER CHRISTIAN. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 3(5), 214–234.




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