About the Journal


To build a symbolic space to publicise researches, debates, theories and critical methods in search for a South Epistemology that's decolonizer about the comprehensions of the social phenomena such as Tourism, Leisure, Hospitality, Cousine and its dynamics over the territories.

Brief History:

The original proposal for Cenário was born in 2013 within the group of researchers from the Graduate Program in Tourism, from Centro de Excelência em Turismo, at Universidade de Brasília. It is a result of the debate established about the importance of publicizing the researches made in the concentracion area of the program such as amplify the impact of the productions expressed by the master’s dissertation. Added to these intentions is the small number of journals existing in the area of Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Cousine to meet the numerous scientific productions produced in Brazil. In the year of 2017, Cenário had already traced a path of consolidation, having published 9 volumes without discontinuity, and was evaluated by Qualis CAPES 2015 as B3. Since 2018, the journal increases its course in interdisciplinary scientific publicizing in Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Culinary, and has been trying to gather professionals from different Latin American countries as well as other parts of the world.

Focus and Scope:

Cenário is a semestral publish of unpublished works, focusing in interdisciplinary studies in Tourism, Leisure, Hospitality and Cousine.

The journal accepts originals in Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), English, Spanish and French.


  • Contribute to the improvement of learning, as well as teaching and research in Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Cousine;
  • Collaborate in the formation of researchers for the interdisciplinary debate of Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Cousine;
  • Publish and disseminate scientific works in Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Cousine form researchers and professionals;
  • Encourage the scientific initiation and research at UnB’s Centro de Excelência em Turismo and stimulate the creation and developing of the Research Groups;
  • Support and promote, where possible, events that can result in significative material for the journal, as long as there is a direct participation of students and a responsible scientific commission.

The target audience of the journal consists in professors, students, researchers and professionals on the areas of Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Cousine. 


Section Policies


Standart Section Policies

Open Submissions


Assessed by peers


Open Submissions


Assessed by peers


Open Submissions


Assessed by peers

Peer-Evaluation Process

The articles submitted to the journal are screened by the editors, that examine the suitability of the work to its focus and scope and its potential to publication. The editor also verify the possible existence of plagiarism with the CopySpider software.

The submitted articles are forwarded to Double Blind Peer Review and the arbitration process is documented at Cenario’s archives in its headquarters at Centro de Excelência em Turismo, Universidade de Brasília.




Open Access Policy

This journal offers open access, immediate and free to its content, following the principle that providing free access to scientific knowledge to the public provides the international democratization of knowledge. For this reason, Cenário does not apply fees for submitting, evaluation, publication, visualization nor article downloading.


Cenário is indexed to Latindex, DOAJ, Google Schoolar, PKP Index, Sumários.Org, Diadorim, WorldCat, CIRC, EZB, Periódicos de Turismo, Periódicos CAPES, RCAAP, Crossref, Livre.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed through the participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. Learn more...


Social networks

Instagram: @revistacenario_unb

Facebook: Revista Cenário