Teachers in transition

A study on production of meanings in initial practice in inclusive education


  • Gabriela Sousa de Melo Mieto Universidade de Brasília
  • Silviane Barbato Universidade de Brasília
  • Alberto Rosa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


School inclusion, Virtues, Teaching work


We analyzed the production of meanings in teachers’ positioning related to virtuous practices in inclusive education. A teacher in initial professional experience took part in four open-ended interviews sessions, data were submitted to a dialogic thematic analysis and a semantic map was produced. The position “being a teacher” generated 6 main themes that dialogically interact in multiple plans: teacher’s education; previous and present pedagogic practices; the role of the teacher; tensions and expectations. Results indicated that an ambivalence between Public Policy and the conditions of teacher’s education and work in inclusive schools regulated the participant’s discourse. We conclude that positions oriented towards virtuosity were linked to different levels of reflexivity on the teacher’s actions with students in inclusive education.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Sousa de Melo Mieto, Universidade de Brasília

Departamento de Psicologia Escolar e do Desenvolvimento - PED

Instituto de Psicologia

Silviane Barbato, Universidade de Brasília

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde - PG-PDS

Departamento de Psicologia Escolar e do Desenvolvimento - PED

Instituto de Psicologia


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How to Cite

Mieto, G. S. de M., Barbato, S., & Rosa, A. (2017). Teachers in transition: A study on production of meanings in initial practice in inclusive education. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(5). Retrieved from https://www.periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/19389



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