Social Responsibility Scale (SRS-2)

Validity Evidence Based on Internal Structure



Mots-clés :

Social cognition, Autism spectrum disorder, Psychological assessment


This study aimed to provide evidence of validity for the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) based on its internal structure. The results of 1,001 participants, aged between two and 73 years, indicated through Path Analysis that Social Perception predicts 56%, while Social Cognition predicts 79% of social responsiveness, Social Communication 92%, Social Motivation 70%, finally The Social Communication and Social Interaction subscale can predict 96% of social responsiveness. The subscales have a strong correlation magnitude and evidence the contribution of the SRS-2 to assess social responsiveness, in addition to being promising to predict the diagnosis of ASD at the national level.


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Comment citer

Otoni, F., Borges , L., Helena de Lima, T., & Waltz Schelini, P. (2023). Social Responsibility Scale (SRS-2): Validity Evidence Based on Internal Structure. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.



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