Bridging the Gaps in Social Life Cycle Assessment

Theoretical and Practical Contributions



Mots-clés :

Social life cycle assessment, Social impact, Sustainable development, Labour psychology, Transdisciplinarity


Sustainable development is based on three pillars: environment preservation, cost-effective production and human development. Within this context, emerges Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a solid methodology for assessing the impact of products and services. Whereas Social LCA (S-LCA) is an early-stage approach, currently under development, requiring theoretical and methodological improvements. This study aimed at mapping the main gaps in S-LCA to identify potential contributions from the Psychology field. A preliminary literature review indicated several constraints: consensus between social indicators; methods for measuring subjective data; predominance of secondary data; underutilization of the Social Sciences, etc. Therefore, this study outlines multiples intersection points where the Social Sciences, more specifically, psychology could contribute to filling some of the theoretical and methodological gaps in S-LCA.


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Comment citer

Mohamad Radwan Omar Chabrawi, A., Moura de Andrade, J., Traverzo, M., & Lie Ugaya, C. M. (2023). Bridging the Gaps in Social Life Cycle Assessment: Theoretical and Practical Contributions. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.



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