Peer Review Process

The evaluation process uses the Double blind peer review system, preserving the identity of authors and consultants, through the use of a electronic form of the Electronic Journal Management and Health. When the peer reviewers accept the task, the response period for their opinions is in a span of 15 days, otherwise, it will be sent to other consultants. If non-response persists, two members of the Editorial Board will evaluate the paper.

The peer reviewers' opinions will be made available to the author responsible for the submission that will  have seven (7) days to meet the requests. Otherwise, the manuscript will be archived based on the understanding that there was no interest in meeting the request for adjustments according to the evaluations carried out. If there is still interest in publishing it, the article should be subject again, starting a new peer-review process.

Then, the evaluated form three possibilities:

1- Favorable   (score 10):   the manuscript is accepted for publication without any changes or with some minor changes, which may be made by the Journal's Editor. The work will not need to return to the author.The small changes should be indicated in the opinion.

2- Favorable, provided that the reformulations indicated in this opinion and / or annotated in the text   (score from 5 to 9):   the proposal for publication should be reviewed by the author. The recommendations should be accompanied by detailed suggestions to guide the author on the elements to be observed to improve the paper.

3- Unfavorable   (score from 0 to 4):   the manuscript will NOT be accepted for publication. This is because it must be completely reformulated according to the justifications given in the opinion.