Proposal to teach electromagnetism based on the effects of the electric current, using videos, experiments and a visit to the Physics Science High School of the city of Vitoria - ES


  • Luiz Otávio Buffon IFES



Teaching of Electromagnetism. Electrical Current Effects. Three Pedagogical Moments. Dialogicity. Non-formal Education. Videos and Social Interaction.


In this article a didactic proposal for the teaching of electromagnetism based on the effects of electric current was developed. The proposal was applied to a third year high school class. The meetings of the application took place in the classroom, most of them, however, there was a visit to a non-formal teaching space, which was the School of Physical Science of Vitória - ES, which is a kind of museum of physics. This proposal was structured in the methodological procedure of the Three Pedagogical Moments, which is divided into initial problematization, knowledge organization and knowledge application. In this sense, in addition to the use of a non-formal space, we had the use of videos in order to motivate students about the topics covered and encounters with socio-interactive and dialogical characteristics. In general, the results obtained in this work were significant, and through the analysis of the questionnaires we could verify that there was, for most students, conceptual development in much of the content.


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How to Cite

BUFFON, Luiz Otávio. Proposal to teach electromagnetism based on the effects of the electric current, using videos, experiments and a visit to the Physics Science High School of the city of Vitoria - ES. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 34–48, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v3i3.25060. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.