v. 13 n. 1 (2022): Sustainability in Debate / Sustentabilidade em Debate

					Visualizar v. 13 n. 1 (2022): Sustainability in Debate / Sustentabilidade em Debate

In this first edition of 2022, Sustainability in Debate's Editorial discusses the vast impacts of wars, beyond the social and economic ones, damaging the environment and the chances of a more sustainable world. A letter from three Ukrainian researchers who recently published an article with SiD manifests the repudiation of war and presents relevant information, which we believe to be of interest to our readers.

SiD also publishes a Dossier on "Environmental Impact Assessment, its faces and interfaces", with seven articles and four others in the Varia section.

The Dossier addresses the following topics: new licensing framework, environmental licensing of projects with local impact, evaluation of the regulation of Strategic Environmental Assessment, its contributions to a Development Plan and Environmental Protection, screening of the Environmental Licensing (EL) of Generating Plants, participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, and guide to the identification of environmental impacts of hydroelectric projects.

In the Varia section, you will find the following topics: the institutional framework for bioinputs in Brazilian agriculture, the benefits of agroforestry systems associated with natural regeneration, the perception of traditional communities' autonomy in carrying out community-based forest management in conservation units, and performance analysis of experts from the Ministry public in the environmental licensing of a project.

Publicado: 2022-03-31

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