Through affections

university experience in the political trajectory of young liberals




Youth, Political socialization, Liberalism


This paper deals with the impact of college experience regarding the identification of young students with political, economic, and social liberalism. The relevance of this experience in their paths is directly related to the affective dimension that links friendships to the construction of political affinities. The results we present here are part of an ethnographic investigation of two and a half years, and in-depth interviews with young liberals from Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil, that formed the Luís Gama Collective and showed how the arrival at the university allowed these young group of people to negotiate knowledge, dispositions and political preferences in a socio-political context of transition between the left-wing and extreme right-wing (2016-2018).


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Salles, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Paraíba (2020). Member of the Health, Society and Culture research group. E-mail:

monica, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

PhD in Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008). Associate Professor at the Social Sciences Department at the Federal University of Paraíba. Leader of the Health, Society and Culture research group. Member of MARC (Center for Research in Medical Anthropology). Email:


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How to Cite

Salles, T., & monica. (2021). Through affections: university experience in the political trajectory of young liberals. Linhas Críticas, 27, e36531.



Dossier: As dimensões educativas da luta

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