Theoretical-methodological contributions of Michel de Certeau is polemological scheme for the socio-spatial analysis of everyday practices




polemological analysis, socio-spatial practices, socio-spatial research, everyday life studies, Michel de Certeau


This report is part of a broader research of an exploratory nature, designed through a bibliographic study and under consultation of secondary sources, about the theoretical-methodological contributions of authors, critics and theorists of everyday life, with regard to readings and apprehensions. of socio-spatial and everyday production-reproduction in cities. In this sense, the objective is to understand the way in which Michel de Certeau apprehends the production-reproduction of everyday man, seeking to systematize the main categories, conceptual schemes, operating principles and methodological theoretical foundations about his polemological scheme of everyday socio-spatial practices. Critical reflections focus on how use and appropriation, carried out and manufactured through everyday practices, affect and modify (with cunning) the reproduction and production of social relations and ways of life within a social, cultural, inhabited, practiced and/or lived space.


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Author Biographies

MAYCOW GREGÓRIO, Postgraduate Program in Urban Planning (PPU) / Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

Architect and Urban Planner, graduated from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Master in Urban Planning by the Graduate Program in Urban Planning at the Federal University of Paraná (PPU/UFPR). He studies design, teaching and critical theory of architecture and urbanism, production of everyday space and methodologies of socio-spatial research.

ISABELA GIORGIANO, Postgraduate studies Program in Architecture and Urbanism (PPGAU) / Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)

Architect and Urban Planner, graduated from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Master in Architecture by the Postgraduate studies Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGAU/UFU). She studies design and creative processes; transdisciplinarity in design processes; dance improvisation; and the relationships between body, space and time, mainly corpographies, body movements, and the body-city relationship.


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HERCEG, José Santos. Cotidianidad: trazos para uma conceptualización filosófica. Revista Alpha, Osorno, v. 1, n. 38, p. 173-196, 2014a.

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MAYOL, Pierre. O bairro. In.: CERTEAU, Michel de; GIARD, Luce; MAYOL, Pierre. A invenção do cotidiano: 2. Morar, cozinhar. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014. p. 35-185.

PAIS, José Machado. Paradigmas sociológicos na análise da vida quotidiana. Análise Social, Lisboa, v. 22, n. 90, p. 7-57, 1986.

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How to Cite

NATHAN CARVALHO GREGÓRIO, M., & GIORGIANO, I. (2022). Theoretical-methodological contributions of Michel de Certeau is polemological scheme for the socio-spatial analysis of everyday practices. Paranoá, 15(33), 1–15.



Theory, History and Critique

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