Self-Regulated Learning in Reading:

Positive Results of a Psychopedagogical Intervention


  • Maria Aparecida Mezzalira Gomes Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta Escola Superior de Educação Física de Jundiaí
  • Evely Boruchovitch Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Self-regulated learning, Reading comprehension, Learning strategies, Reading, Meta-cognition, Pedagogical intervention


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a pedagogical intervention to improve the reading comprehension of fourth grade students of a public primary school. Two classes of 28 students were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The students were assessed during three different moments by means of an informative questionnaire, a Learning Strategies Scale and two cloze tests for reading comprehension. The intervention consisted of seven sessions which included learning strategies instruction, reading strategies instruction, meta-cognition activation, motivational support and study guidance. Results showed improvement in meta-cognition and in reading comprehension in both groups. However, gains were higher and more consistent in the experimental group.


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How to Cite

Mezzalira Gomes, M. A., & Boruchovitch, E. (2011). Self-Regulated Learning in Reading:: Positive Results of a Psychopedagogical Intervention. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(3), 291–299. Retrieved from

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