Success and failure of the sociology of culture? Bringing the arts back


  • Vera Zolberg

Palabras clave:

Sociology, Arts, Culture, Society and flexibility


This articles brings up the most recent, internal discussions among researchers in the field of the sociology of arts, more precisely the thiking of experts who participated in a forum of culture organized in 2001. In her writing, Vera Zolberg accentuates, overall, the need for sociology of art to retain both its humanistic and scientific roots. She reminds that sociology of culture has developed from the sociology of art in recent decades. Next, she summarizes the tendencies and interests of researchers in the forum, by showing the fluidity of its possibilities and creative capacities. She mentions the most recent production in the field, proving that aesthetic elements play a crucial part in the sociological studies about the arts. According to Vera Zolberg, it is time to bring the arts back.


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Biografía del autor/a

Vera Zolberg

Sociology Department, New School for Social Research.




Cómo citar

Zolberg, V. (2011). Success and failure of the sociology of culture? Bringing the arts back. Sociedade E Estado, 20(2). Recuperado a partir de

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