Child-centered school: is it still possible for students to identify with teachers?




Psychoanalysis and Education, Subject of the unconscious, Transference, Symbolic transmission, Identification


The article problematizes the political emancipation of children. Having been conceived under the essentialist inspiration of psychology, it focused the school on The Child. The article is inserted in Psychoanalysis and Education and has as concepts: subject of the unconscious; transference; (dis)identification; and work via di porre. It is argued that the emancipation of students does not occur without transferential identification with teachers, positioning them in the place of the ego-ideal. It is concluded that thankful to this, students acquire symbolic traits that enrich their ego-Ideal, just as, grateful to the disidentification with the master, students subjectivize school knowledge.


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Author Biography

Douglas Emiliano Batista, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Doctor in Education, University of São Paulo (USP) (2013). Professor at USP. Member of the Research Group of the Laboratory of Psychoanalytic and Educational Studies and Research on Childhood (LEPSI). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Batista, D. E. (2022). Child-centered school: is it still possible for students to identify with teachers?. Linhas Críticas, 28, e42949.

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